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Skills for Jobs


At NLPC we believe in continuous personal and professional development. Whether you are an individual wanting to develop your skills and knowledge base or a business wanting to increase productivity through work force development of your employees, we can help and support you. We run a range of accredited and non-accredited courses. All our courses are delivered by qualified trainers who are experienced and knowledgeable in their field.

We offer training courses designed to help and support unemployed people looking for sustainable jobs. Examples of some of our range of courses that support development of key skills for work include:

  • Sector specific Level 2/3 qualifications – Railway Engineering, Construction, Health and Social Care, Child Care
  • Security related skills training
  • Personal Development
  • Identifying Job Goals
  • How to write a winning CV and Covering Letter
  • How to write a successful Job Application
  • Effective Job Search Techniques
  • Effective Interview Techniques

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