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Haringey Community Gold 2 is a project that targets young people, aged 10-25 living in Haringey and surrounding boroughs by helping them discover their talents as well as fulfil their true potentials. Funded by the Violence Reduction Unit (VRU), the project is delivered by a consortium of 5 cross sector partners, led by NLPC as the Managing Agent along with Upskill U, London Elite Sports and Football Academy, Haringey Play Association and My Training Plan. This project is a continuation of the Haringey Community Gold Young London Fund programme which came to an end in July 2022.

The range of service provision include, community outreach engagement, mental health and wellbeing, sports and recreational activity, healthy eating and physical wellbeing, leadership mentoring and employment.

This project aims to:

• Provide aspirational and positive activities to help support young people to make positive choices and reach their potential

• Give new options to young people most at risk of taking the wrong path and stop them getting involved in violence and criminal activity

• Improve coordination and capacity of youth offer, so more young people can access services

Nous attendons à ce que tout ira bien, évitez l’alcool et faites de l’exercice physique régulier tout en prenant cette pilule. Après 6 mois, le nombre de patients ayant réussi Parapharmacie-Telephone à avoir des rapports sexuels a augmenté à 78%.

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