North London Partnership Consortium (NLPC) alongside Bridge Renewal Trust, Mind In Haringey, Father2Father and The Godwin Lawson Foundation have partnered to deliver violence reduction activities in Tottenham Hale ward.

Home Cooked Events

Haringey Youth Advisory Board (HYAB) Homecooked Induction
Homecooked project overview for members of the HYAB including co-design for Youth Engagement and Participation.

Induction /workshop session – HYAB and new participants
Homecooked project overview / induction for HYAB and new participants – including co-design of youth engagement and participation for members of the HYAB including co-design for Youth Engagement and Participation.

Homecooked Introduction to research / focus group training
One week training on
• Introduction to research
• Focus groups
• Action planning – roll out delivery plan
• Introduction to research
• Focus groups
• Action planning – roll out delivery plan

Survey questionnaire development
Development of Tottenham Hale survey questionnaire for employment and enterprise questionnaire.

Community Outreach Safeguarding
Workshop on safeguarding for young people undertaking community outreach.

Homecooked Community Event – Planning
Trained YERC planning meeting for the Homecooked event – mapping what they need, promotion, participants roles, community engagement.

Homecooked – Community Event – Ferry Lane
Homecooked community event with partners and key stakeholder – showcasing the project, services on offer, partners involved and wider community organisations.
Trained YERC members were on hand to engage young people and the wider public.
Trained YERC members were on hand to engage young people and the wider public.

Tottenham Hale employment survey promotion and marketing
Promotion and marketing development including:
• Leaflet /posters
• Social media- Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
• Leaflet /posters
• Social media- Twitter, Instagram, Facebook

Community Outreach engagement
Promotion / engagement across Tottenham Hale ward / homes/ community groups/ youth centres.

Homecooked induction and introduction to research workshop
Induction of young people on the Homecooked programme and introduction to research / Focus groups facilitated by Partnership for Young Londoner.

Homecooked Tottenham Hale Employment / Enterprise - Survey Monkey Links
Trained YERC – with specific Survey Monkey links to facilitate peer to peer responses.

Focus Group sessions
Tottenham Hale Employment and Enterprise Survey Focus group sessions. Two focus group sessions facilitated by Trained YERC . Peer to Peer engagement – Tottenham Hale Employment Survey .
Each group facilitators – undertook focus transcriptions / report back.
Each group facilitators – undertook focus transcriptions / report back.

Training Workshop
Homecooked Employment and Enterprise Survey – Survey Analysis workshop for trained YERC - Analysing survey responses - emerging themes -
Survey Analysis facilitated by PFYL.
Survey Analysis facilitated by PFYL.
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